Welcome to the Empower community!

We’re glad you’re here.  We’d like to welcome you with a free gift.

Empower International Ministries combat the root cause of abuse, abandonment, and injustice, so that families can be healed, communities restored, and culture transformed.

That’s a pretty ambitious goal, of course. How do we even tackle that job? By teaching the truth to people who are eager to hear it. God’s opened doors for us to teach seminars on gender, marriage, and family.

We train caregivers in meeting the special emotional needs of orphaned and abused children, and also offer training on recovering from trauma. For more details, see our programs page. (link) These seminars present a biblical (yet egalitarian) perspective on these important topics.

We send volunteer teachers to train leaders in India, Africa and the United States. We operate on a train-the-trainer model to equip these leaders to make their own cultural applications, and to share what they’ve learned with their communities. We never get tired of seeing lives changed and people free to enjoy the unity, mutuality, and freedom that God created them to have.

To receive your free gift, just fill in your first name and email address, and we’ll send you a free PDF of the introduction and first chapter of Face- to-Face, our newest Bible study resource. Learn what the Bible really says about men, women and marriage, and what God intended for us in the very beginning. You’ll also be subscribed to our blog, so that you can learn more about our work around the world.


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