Exciting Travel News to share from Kristina Sachs & Dennis Tarr!
On Saturday, April 20, we had the opportunity to return to Haiti for a one-week mission trip to help serve Haitian Christian Missions. This was our third visit to the community of Fond-Parisien to conduct leadership training seminars for national pastors, their wives, and other church leaders.
You may recall that we work alongside Empower International Ministries as facilitators for their bible-based curriculum. As a member of their Advisory Team for Orange County, I embrace how EIM promotes Christian values of love and mutual service within marriage and family, and their work to improve the treatment of women and children.
EIM is expanding it’s tents! Over the past 12 months small teams have responded to invitations from existing ministries and offered programs in Kenya, Uganda, Burundi, Rwanda and India, as well as in Haiti.
We’re really encouraged to see that within these intensive workshops relationships are revitalized and hearts opened to a deeper understanding of God’s love for one another. There are tears and laughter, a newly found joy and freedom, and a palpable release from the spirit of oppression. Wow! It’s been amazing!
Many of you have come alongside us and offered support in numerous caring ways and for that we’re deeply grateful. Thank you for your support!
As we embarked on this journey, we requested prayers for safety, peace, and wisdom. We’re building relationships and trust. This takes time and devotion to the cause – to help equip others and encourage positive change in one leader or one follower, one man or woman, one teenager or child at a time, so that they are empowered to uplift their circumstances and strive to be all that God intended for them to be, that is, thriving and joyful. It is said that when you change one life, you can change a family, and when you change a family, you can change a community, a state, and even a nation. This is our hope.
- In closing, many of us know the first verse to the traditional hymn Amazing Grace. Yet, I’m recalling the second and third verses as well. Penned by John Newton, a former slave trader, the writer came to know the meaning of God’s forgiveness and redemptive grace after he realized the injustice he caused, and then spent the remainder of his days standing for justice, advocating to free the slaves. Now that’s a transformed life!
God bless you. We look forward to sharing with you how God guided our paths!
Love, Kristina and Dennis