Love and greetings from the Nation of Kenya. I am proud to bring you the report of New Man New Woman New Life seminar that was held in Nang’eni Town. Pastor Chrispinus Mupalia of Lamb’s Chapel Christian Center was our host. This seminar was attended with 75 participants, 30 families and 15 young adults.
Thousands of families who have attended our seminars through the years are healed and there is great joy in these families.
We were excited to see the outcome of the teachings. In the western part of Kenya we more or less have the same traditions and cultures that are tormenting the people in this area. People in the church and those outside the church are attacked with this same culture and tradition. Women are molested, treated as tools of giving birth, as a
property for sex, workers, a tool of sexuality, and property of men. Children are very important in these families. If one gives birth boys they are favored, girls are not termed as children. Any man who marries a woman who gives girls only chases her from the family.
There is a lot of polygamists in this area, which increases witchcraft in families as the wives and children fight for power and being loved better than the others.
Many children do not go to school because they are a tool for farming, taking care of flock and especially girls are traded for dowry. The one who comes with the most cows as dowry is the one who is given a girl for marriage, regardless of the wish of the girl.
Another brother named Bernard Nakitare said it was very hard for him to apologize to the woman because women are termed tools in the family. He repented to her wife who was present and promised to start a new life in the Lord, and have the ideal relationship with his wife with no shame.
The pastor of the church who was the host thanked the Lord for the seminar and he said this kind of teachings are like hot cakes and they had not heard such teachings. The women said 10% or even less of men in this area would appreciate their wives and would help their wives in their daily duties.
Since these teachings are being taught the families are going to change gradually by God’s grace.
I don’t want to forget our Partners of EIM who have been praying for Empower and supporting this initiative financially. God bless you indeed. Without you,we could not be able to reach thousands of dying families for the glory of God.
We are having our next Seminar on 27-30 March in Moisbridge Town. Bishop Peter Okang’o is hosting us. We will also have another seminar the second week 10-12 April 2014.
We desperately ask for your prayers and support for us to be able to reach families in Africa with the word of truth.
With greatest regards. En agape.
Apostle David B. Wanyonyi
Empower International Ministries
Northern Kenya