An Empower team consisting of Pastor Joyce Ouko (Empower Uganda President), her husband Rev. Julius Ouko, and Apostle Charles Okumu recently facilitated a training in Kwaapa, Tororo, Uganda. Here is Joyce’s report.
The training was well attended by 48 eager participants, including pastors, their spouses, church and political leaders. It was coordinated by Pastor Michael Ogala, who also hosted the Empower training in his church. Pastor Ogala said he was very grateful for the Empower training because it has empowered him especially in the following areas;
- Church and marital counseling
- Stable church leadership skills
- Proper Bible exposition
Since his first training in Empower last year, he started using the material in his church and other churches.
Pastor Joel Okambo with his dear wife Violet also attended and noted that they learned:
- The true identity of a woman is not what culture defines but the one created in the image of God, loved and chosen by God to glorify His name.
- With or without children in marriage, God loves us unconditionally.

Mrs. Perus Ateker said the training helped her to realize:
- The true position of a woman is what God originally intended: to be equal in lifting one another. She committed to share the Empower knowledge by using her position in the ministry and community to train other women to know who they are in Christ.
Bishop Richard Otenge and his wife Esther came to new knowledge of the Bible and its meaning, they said.

- They testify on true understanding of SUBMISSION, for both husband and wife, not only the woman.
In conclusion, thank you for saving and strengthening the African church with the Biblical truth through Empower International Ministry Trainings by reaching out to the church leaders who influence hundreds and thousands of people.
We would like you to know that, without your kind support in prayers, financially, and morally, it would never happen even through us and to the leaders we train. A number of things happen which sometimes can be a hindrance. That is why we thank EVERY one of you. Your prayers and generosity help make this happen.