When Empower Africa Director Dr. Frank Michael Tweheyo visited Zambia last year, he presented a vision-cast for the New Man New Woman New Life seminar at the University of Lusaka. Prof. Moses Chalwe invited him to return to conduct the training. Frank, accompanied by his wife and co-facilitator Pastor Phobice Tweheyo, recently returned from this mission. Here is his report.

On October 22, Phobice and I were guest preachers in the Healing Rains Assemblies of God Church, which is led by Prof. Moses and Susan Chalwe. It meets in the University of Lusaka.
The Lord was gracious with us as we shared both in the church service and in the afternoon where about four other universities gathered and we discussed the “He-She relationship” from God’s original intent.

We taught the group about the Creation-Fall-Redemption framework that we use in our seminars, which was very well received. One particularly poignant part of the teaching is when we have a married couple come up and stand close together, to demonstrate Ha’adam in deep sleep before they ish’sha is removed. There was no man (ish) before there was a woman (ish’sha)!

The participants had many questions, so a lively discussion ensued, including funny questions, such as if one can first “taste” the bride before marriage. They also wondered what happens if they don’t produce children. Phobice was readily available to give our “twin” testimony with emphasis that children are not a commandment but a blessing.
The next three days were intense at the Justo Mwale University, where about 35 participants gathered for a NMNWNL seminar. Many had come from outside Lusaka and were staying with us at the university guest house and dorms. We had about seven couples and some of them were Bishops who have oversight over many churches under them in different regions. (I had met some of these in my previous visits.) Of course our hope is that these leaders will share what they have learned with their congregations, thus broadening the impact of the training and affecting many other families and communities.
Bishop Samuel Mwanza, who is one of the leading Pentecostal Bishops in Lusaka, and indeed the whole country, with a resume of academic accolades, was shocked to find that Genesis 3:6 was actually in the bible the way it is written: “…she ate, and gave to her husband who was there with her…” He has always read and preached that the man was not in the garden.
Pastor Wiseman (who came with his wife Mercy and two elders from his church) was surprised to find out that both the man and the woman were not cursed.
Bishop Simon Shimatwaba from the Eastern Region of Zambia (a very respected leader in his own right in that part of the country), was shocked and noted how the two and half days he attended challenged what he has known and preached all his life. He requested that this program be taught all over the country.
Couples who came and were learning in different groups would come back excited to tell their spouses what they had learned in their respective groups. It was a sight to see!
Divorce is a growing problem in Zambia. According to a recent report from the Vice-President of the country, MS Mutale Nalumango, 31,000 divorce cases were reported in the country last year. It is well up this year. 67% of homes are dysfunctional in one way or the other. Causes include lack of marital rights, adultery, and GBDV (Gender based domestic violence–which is supported by culture). Men are accused of cruelty in dealing with their wives, simply because they have paid bride price, and hence believe it is their right. Bride price averages about $1000-$3000 in terms of cows and cash, depending on region, family and education status of the bride. This leaves the groom impoverished and not knowing where to begin raising his family. Many end up trapped in the vicious cycle of poverty.
One of the bishops present reported that just three weeks ago, he accompanied his nephew (as a parent because the father of the groom had died), on a visit to his future bride’s family. They asked them for the equivalent of more than $2000 which they didn’t have, so they came back empty handed (without the bride).

The participants got to see mutuality in action during our teaching. I became ill the second day, so Phobice ably stood in for me, teaching about Paul, submission and headship, and the mystery of marriage. The group was excited and surprised to have their previous misconceptions about Paul and his views on women corrected.
This seminar was an eye opener for everyone and everyone went back home excited to teach it and come back for the Master Class (scheduled) for April next year.