New Man, New Woman, New Life

New Man, New Woman, New Life

How people view themselves, their partners, their children, and their neighbors affects how they treat each other. New Man, New Woman, New Life is a three-day seminar that helps people discover their essential worth, whether male or female, rich or poor, educated or illiterate, powerful or helpless – and their obligation to care for and forgive each other, especially in the family.

In developing countries, relationships tend to be utilitarian rather than relational, lacking in companionship, compassion, and mutual consideration. Contributing to the problems is the common belief that women are cursed by God.

The New Man, New Woman, New Life seminar allows participants to work through Bible studies showing God’s ideal to be one of equality, mutual respect, and self-giving love. Our format allows participants to make their own cultural applications, and prepares them to take the life-giving message back to their own households, churches, and communities.

Does the program really make a difference? According to our graduates, it does. As one church leader in Kenya told us:

“I never used to take the time to talk with my wife. I saw her as just a worker in our family; I did not even sit to eat with her from the same table.

“After attending the Empower conference, things have changed. My wife is now a companion. We eat together, we sit and talk, and life is so good in our family.”

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