How can we reach the next generation with the message of equality, mutuality, and freedom in Christ? That’s the question driving our current trip to Kenya, where our team is currently teaching at St. Paul’s University in Limuru.

Carrie Miles, Susan Njemanze, and Donnell Peck are currently in Kenya, along with by Frank Michael Tweheyo, our Africa Program Director, who is based in Uganda. They will be teaching at St. Paul’s University, and also Africa International University, to train teams in the New Man, New Woman, New Life seminar.

Getting into the universities provides wonderful opportunities to reach the next generation and make lasting change. Young people in Africa, especially those countries and regions that have been exposed to Western media and thinking, do not want to have the same types of “traditional” (meaning hierarchical) marriages that their parents had.
Much in the culture there has shifted: the women are working, rather than simply tending home and children. Many are staying single longer. In short, the power differential has shifted, and college students recognize this and want to find a new way to have a Christian marriage.
Empower’s teaching offers that way! Our teaching on mutual respect and equality is based on Biblical truth. It is truly the way God meant for marriage to function, and protects and helps both men and women. We’ve been to Kenya before, and partnered with International Justice Mission there. The opportunities to bring a message of freedom and hope abound there. Please continue to pray for our work.

Empower has also been invited to Ugandan Christian University, again to teach New Man, New Woman, New Life. We’d hoped to combine that visit with the trip to Kenya. Unfortunately, it looks as though that seminar will be postponed to a later date.
Please pray for opportunities in Uganda—a church we work with there is calling 2016 “The Year of the Family” and of course our teaching would fit perfectly with that theme. We hope to return there later this year.
Your prayer support means so much to us.
Please continue to pray for the Kenya trip and all of its details:
- For the health, safety and strength of the team.
- That participants would discover Biblical truth.
- That hearts, minds, and relationships would be transformed.
- For opportunities (and funding) for more interactions with university students.
Our teaching team travels at their own expense so that all donations can be used to put on the seminars and help local congregations take Empower’s message to those who need it most. Click here to visit our support page if you’d like to help with this or other upcoming trips. Thank you for your prayer and financial support.