In our work around the world, one of the most gratifying things to see is growth. We see it in the growth of healthy relationships, healed marriages, thriving churches. We see it in the spread of our message, when seminar participants adapt our material and use it in sermons, in training for other groups, and so on. We see marriages transformed, couples finding new freedom in Christ, relationships changed, healed, and strengthened.
In Uganda, for example, Empower partner Anne Besigye uses our material at her Kabale Women’s Guidance and Counseling Services, to promote family wellness. That wellness comes from harmonious relationships, as taught by our studies. Anne reports to us that the material is very well received and effective.

In a way, our training and seminars are like seeds that we plant. Our prayer is that they would take root and grow organically. We saw that recently in Kigali-Rwanda. This is a challenging context to begin with. But over the years, we’ve been given opportunities to partner with local churches such as Gospel Fellowship, led by Pastor Francis Mutabazi, and even with international ministries like International Justice Mission.
Over the years, we’ve conducted several programs with both of these partners. As happens in other countries, those we originally trained have taken the content and shared it with other churches and organizations. But it is one thing to learn facts, it is another to really apply that truth to one’s life.
Pastor Frank Michael Tweheyo, African Program Director, reported recently that in Rwanda, he saw true fruit of Empower’s work when men began to challenge other men about their behavior, and about cultural practices that subordinate women. As a result, men began to change both their attitudes and actions. The plight of women improved, as these men were not only educated but challenged to live out what they’d learned. The training does not simply give people new insights. It equips them to challenge their culture, and ultimately, to transform it, because their hearts and minds have been transformed.

It would be wonderful, though not surprising, to have women exhibit this level of buy in. But when the men are willing to challenge the traditions of their culture to live in biblical equality and mutual respect, that is not only gratifying to our teams, but bodes well for the future of the church, and families, in Africa. We are seeing transformation of men’s attitudes all over the world. When presented with the truth that the Bible teaches equality and mutual respect,men respond positively. That changes everything, including the way that they interact with their wives and children. They do, indeed, become new men as a result of their study of New Man, New Woman, New Life.
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