Our Mission
Empower International Ministries combats the root cause of abuse, abandonment, and injustice, so that families can be healed, communities restored, and culture transformed.
Empower equips leaders in developing and historically non-Christian countries to become change agents in their own communities.
Our Bible-based programs teach the equal worth and potential for unity among all human beings, regardless of gender, ethnicity, social, age, or family status. We also provide trauma-recovery training and skills for caregivers of abused, orphaned, and traumatized children.
Our Strategy
Empower International Ministries provide church and community leaders with tools that equip them to become change agents in their own cultures. The local leaders incorporate this vision into their ministries, and are themselves in charge of applying the trainings in culturally relevant ways.
An important component in these relationships is EIM’s openness to what we and the developed world an learn from our fellow Christians in the developing countries. We have applied what we have learned to developing Face-to-Face, study guides for young singles and for couples in the United States.
Our programs are received enthusiastically.
We have more requests for our programs than we are able to accommodate.